Update - Upcoming house tours

***UPDATE*** Due to the extreme cold forecast for Saturday Feb. 13th we have decided to postpone the tour scheduled for that date. Wind chill is expected to be -32 and we don't have insulation in yet! Still planning to offer the tour scheduled for Sunday Feb. 21st, so please sign up for then.


Mark has offered to give tours of our place over the next couple weeks. If you're a Passive House junkie, architecture-enthusiast, nosey neighbour or just plain curious, come on out. We're happy and excited to show it off. The house is in Hintonburg, a neighbourhood in downtown Ottawa.

Please sign-up using this form.

If you can't make either of the first dates, have no fear – if there's good interest, we will continue to conduct them periodically throughout the build. Just make sure to sign-up on the form to let us know you're interested. And we'll email out the dates so you won't miss out.